Conscious Creation 30 Minute Session
The picture your guides have been painting for you...
Service Description
Service Description A Conscious Creation is an original artwork created for you through Kat Wilson-Smith`s ability to connect to energy. With the assistance of oracle cards, this light worker will produce a work that is the guidance and confirmation you have been waiting for. This session includes: - 3 Oracle Cards Reading (plus any extra guidance cards) - Energy Reading (the artist will incorporate colours and elements into the original painting specific to you from your energy centres and guides) -Conscious Creation (painting A4 size, great size for an Altar Space) (These readings will mostly be held online. Conscious creations will be mailed out, unless reading is in person.)

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact us at least 24 hours in advance.
Contact Details
Wanneroo WA, Australia